Ibogaine After Care . org
A support service for all aspects of precare and aftercare in relation to detox and rehabilitation.
About Us
Ibogaine after care . org is a therapeutic service for all aspects of enquiry in relation to ibogaine detox.
It is a psychotherapeutic service offered by Edward Conn to offer pre and post treatment care following ibogaine treatment either by a provider or via self administration.
The service deals with all enquiries, and seeks to fill gaps in treatment provision that have not been met or have emerged following detox, or any other entheogenic substance or similar enquiry.
The service offers advice, pre and post treatment after care, specialist treatment for psycho spiritual issues including spiritual crises, spiritual emergency, or 'dark night of the soul' type debilitating experiences following treatment, self administered or otherwise.
The service is provided as an intentional and advisory back up to stand alone detox, as advised for all rehabilitation processes including ibogaine. The therapy offers to build on the insights gained from ibogaine, to ground the individual and to support the maintenance of a drug free lifestyle via appropriate support.
Edward Conn BSc (Hons)., P.G. Dip. (couns) is a trained transpersonal psychotherapist and addictions specialist. He appeared in the ibogaine documentary 'Detox or Die' and worked as an ibogaine practitioner. He specialises in cases of spiritual crises. spiritual seeking, trauma, entheogenic and shamanic arts, drug detox and rehabilitation/recovery.
Therapy is conducted via SKYPE
For more information:

Edward Conn trained in Transpersonal Counselling therapy at the emminent Psychosynthesis and Education Trust, London. He has trained in Dual Diagnosis and Complex Substance Misuse at Teesside University and trained under Dr John Butler (Phd) in Transformational Hypnotherapy. He has worked full time in the addiction field, both privately and in the public sector for ten years. He has been involved in spiritual growth, alternative therapy for some ten years before that and is recognised for his contributions to ibogaine therapeutics. He brings a wealth of knowledge and practical applications of complex theory to his work, having delivered many thousands of hours of 1:1 therapy in his career so far.
Stanislav Grof M.D. - Shamanism, other worlds, the brain, transpersonal psychology.